10 Adorable Dog Breeds with Big Floppy Ears

Dogs have been our devoted friends since the beginning, bringing us love, happiness, and endless hugs. One of the biggest features that distinguish dogs from other animals and add to their charm is their large, floppy ears.

Dog lovers from around the world are drawn to breeds with these loose, floppy ears because they contribute to their charm. In this article, we’ll take a look at ten of the cutest dog breeds with big, floppy ears and learn about the characteristics, histories, and personalities that make them such wonderful pets.

What Makes Dogs with Big Floppy Ears Adorable?

When we see dogs with big, floppy ears, we get nostalgic. Along with the charming way their ears droop, their soft eyes that exude innocence and delicacy make for an irresistible blend of beauty. Floppy ears not only enhance your appearance, but they also enhance your keen sense of smell by directing scents to your nose.


Origin and History:  The Beagle is an ancient breed with a long history and was created in England. Beagles were originally developed as hunting dogs but are now family pets.

Characteristics:  The appearance of medium-sized bagels is unusual. Their short coat, which comes in a variety of colors, and their long, floppy ears are defining characteristics.

Temperament:  Beagles are sociable, friendly, and curious dogs. They get along well with children and other animals, making them great family dogs.

Basset Hound

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Origin and History: The French-bred scent dog known as the Basset dog is renowned for its superb tracking skills.

Characteristics: Basset Hounds are distinguished by their large bodies, small legs, and, of course, their lovely, drooping ears.

Temperament: Basset Hounds are calm, loving, and kind canines. They make excellent companions for both elders and families because of their serene disposition.

Cocker Spaniel

Origin and History: The Cocker Spaniel is a breed valued for its beauty and friendliness. It has origins in both England and Spain.

Characteristics: Cocker Spaniels have a plush, silky coat in addition to their recognizable long, floppy ears, which give them a charming appearance.

Temperament: These canines are renowned for their kind and joyful personalities. They form devoted family pets and thrive on human company.


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Origin and History: The Bloodhound, tracing its roots to Belgium, is one of the oldest and most powerful scent hounds.

Characteristics: Bloodhounds have loose, wrinkled skin and incredibly long, droopy ears, which enhance their exceptional sense of smell.

Temperament: Bloodhounds are kind, patient, and gentle canines despite their size. They are great with kids and develop close relationships with their owners.


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Origin and History: The Dalmatian’s exact origin remains a mystery, but it’s widely believed to have originated in Croatia.

Characteristics: Known for their distinctive spots and athletic build, Dalmatians also boast elegantly long, floppy ears.

Temperament: Dalmatians make devoted, vivacious, and active pets. They need regular physical activity and mental stimulation.

English Setter

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Origin and History: The English Setter comes from England and was initially bred for hunting and retrieving game.

Characteristics: English Setters have a beautiful, feathered coat and those adorable hanging ears, adding to their regal appearance.

Temperament: These canines get along well with kids and are kind and kind. They make great family pets and have a placid attitude.

English Cocker Spaniel

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Origin and History: Like the Cocker Spaniel, the English Cocker Spaniel also has roots in England.

Characteristics: They have a sturdy build, a silky coat, and, of course, those endearing, long, drooping ears.

Temperament: English Cocker Spaniels are affectionate, intelligent, and eager to please. They excel in various dog sports and activities.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

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Origin and History: The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a beloved toy breed originating from the United Kingdom.

Characteristics: These dogs have silky, medium-length coats and beautiful, expressive eyes, accentuated by their enchanting floppy ears.

Temperament: Because they are kind, loving, and great companions, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are ideal for both families and single people.


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Origin and History: The Papillon, meaning “butterfly” in French, has a rich history dating back centuries.

Characteristics: This toy breed has large, butterfly-like ears that are one of its most striking features.

Temperament: Papillons are active, perceptive, and captivating canines. They are ideal for households with older kids.

English Toy Spaniel (King Charles Spaniel)

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Origin and History: The English Toy Spaniel, also known as King Charles Spaniel, has an ancient lineage dating back to the 17th century.

Characteristics: They have a compact body, a short, flat face, and those adorable, droopy ears.

Temperament: British Toy Spaniels are calm and friendly, and they make dedicated friends for all family members.

Why Do Some Dogs Have Floppy Ears?

Floppy ears in dogs serve a variety of important purposes, which has helped some breeds acquire and maintain these characteristics. Some of the benefits of floppy ears for dogs include:

Better Sound Localization

A dog’s ears can move more freely and freely, especially when they are floppy. They can locate the source of sounds with amazing accuracy thanks to their increased mobility, making them excellent guard dogs.

Reduced Risk of Injury

Standing ears are more prone to damage when in rough terrain or when engaging in outdoor activities. A layer of protection offered by floppy ears reduces the chance of ear injury.


Dogs communicate with each other using their ears. Floppy ears can convey many emotions, including joy, curiosity and fear, which helps people understand them better.

Heat Regulation

Dogs with large, floppy ears may use them to regulate their body temperature. The blood vessels in their ears dilate in hot weather, releasing extra heat and keeping their body temperature stable.

Endearing Appearance

Let’s face it, dogs with floppy ears look cuter! These dogs are popular as pets partly because of their cute looks.

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Common Health Issues in Dogs with Floppy Ears

Floppy ears have an undeniable appeal, but due to reduced airflow and high moisture retention in the ear canal, they can also cause significant health problems. Some such problems include:

Ear Infections

Moisture and debris can accumulate in the ear canal, creating a favorable environment for bacterial and yeast infections.

Ear Hematomas

Dogs with floppy ears are more prone to ear hematomas, which occur when blood vessels rupture due to excessive shaking or scratching of the ears.

Mites and Ticks

The warm, moist environment of floppy ears can attract mites and ticks, which can lead to infections.


Dogs with floppy ears may be more prone to allergies caused by food sensitivities or environmental triggers.

How to Care for Dogs with Big Floppy Ears

Dogs with floppy ears require a little extra attention to care for to keep them healthy and happy. Here are some essential tips:

Regular Ear Cleaning

Keeping your dog’s ears clean and free of debris and dirt can help prevent infections. Avoid introducing anything deep into the ear canal and use an ear cleaning solution recommended by a veterinarian.


To prevent dirt and moisture from getting trapped in the fur that surrounds your dog’s ears and causing skin irritation and infection, keep them trimmed.

Avoid Overexertion

When playing loudly or moving their head a lot, dogs with floppy ears are more likely to develop an ear hematoma. Monitor your dog’s actions to avoid such damage.

Tick and Flea Prevention

To prevent infection, use the correct tick and flea prevention techniques on your dog.

Regular Vet Check-ups

To monitor your dog’s ear health and general health, schedule regular checkups with your veterinarian.


If you’re looking for a furry friend with a little extra cuteness, any of these ten dog breeds with super floppy ears would be a great choice.

Each breed has its own unique characteristics, yet all have the ability to win hearts and improve the lives of their owners. Whether you prefer a scent hound, sporting dog, or toy breed, these dogs provide unparalleled unconditional love and companionship.


  1. Are dogs with big floppy ears more prone to ear infections?
    • Although these breeds’ floppy ears are charming, they can also retain moisture, increasing the risk of ear infections. Regular ear maintenance and cleaning might help avoid problems.
  2. Do all dogs with big floppy ears require extensive grooming?
    • No, not always. Depending on the breed and coat type, different grooming requirements apply. Others may only need occasional grooming, while some may need daily brushing.
  3. Are these breeds good with children?
    • Yes, the majority of these breeds are renowned for being gentle and sociable, which makes them wonderful family pets.
  4. Can dogs with big floppy ears participate in dog sports?
    • Absolutely! Many of these breeds are highly trainable and can excel in various dog sports and activities.
  5. Are there any health concerns specific to dogs with droopy ears?
    • Some breeds with large, floppy ears may be more susceptible to ear infections or other conditions because of the way their ears are built. Any potential issues can be found and treated with the aid of routine veterinarian examinations.

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