rajkotupdates.news | apple iphone exports from india doubled between april and august [2023]

India has been pushing for increased local manufacturing and export of electronics under its “Make in India” initiative, and it seems to be paying off. The latest data reveals that the export of Apple iPhones from India has more than doubled between rajkotupdates.news:apple-iphone-exports-from-india-doubled-between-april-and-august, which is a significant boost for the country’s economy.

According to the data provided by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), India exported iPhones worth $1.5 billion in the April-August period, compared to $715 million in the same period last year. This rajkotupdates.news:apple-iphone-exports-from-india-doubled-between-april-and-august in exports is driven by the increased production of iPhones in India by companies such as Foxconn and Wistron, which manufacture the devices for Apple.


Production rajkotupdates.news:apple-iphone-exports-from-india-doubled-between-april-and-august

India is fast becoming a key production hub for Apple, and the company has been investing heavily in the country to take advantage of the low-cost labor and favorable policies. Last year, Apple started manufacturing its flagship iPhone 11 in India, and this year it has added the iPhone SE and the iPhone XR rajkotupdates.news:apple-iphone-exports-from-india-doubled-between-april-and-august to its production line. The company is also planning to start manufacturing its latest iPhone 12 series in India soon.

One of the key drivers of Apple’s expansion in India has been the Indian government’s Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme, which aims to incentivize local manufacturing and exports. Under the scheme, companies receive cash incentives for incremental sales of electronics goods manufactured in India.

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rajkotupdates.news:apple-iphone-exports-from-india-doubled-between-april-and-august Beneficiaries

Apple is one of the biggest beneficiaries of the PLI scheme, and the company has been awarded incentives worth $900 million for manufacturing iPhones in India. The scheme has helped Apple to reduce its reliance on China for manufacturing and has also allowed the company to cater to the growing demand for iPhones in India.

India is a key growth market for Apple, and the company is looking to expand rajkotupdates.news:apple-iphone-exports-from-india-doubled-between-april-and-august its presence in the country by setting up retail stores and expanding its online sales. The company is also focusing on localizing its products and services to cater to the unique needs of Indian consumers.

Apple has been working on localizing its products for India by introducing features such as dual SIM support, which is a must-have feature for Indian consumers. The company has also launched services such as Apple Pay and Apple Music in the country, which are tailored to the Indian market.


Apple’s increased focus on India is not just limited to manufacturing and sales. The company has also been investing in the development of its app ecosystem in the country. Apple has launched a $100 million fund to support the growth of the Indian app ecosystem, which is expected to benefit thousands of developers in the country.

The fund will focus on supporting small and medium-sized developers who are developing innovative apps for the Indian market. rajkotupdates.news:apple-iphone-exports-from-india-doubled-between-april-and-august fund will also support the development of new tools and resources that will help developers create world-class apps that can compete with the best in the world.

India’s growing importance as a production and export hub for electronics is a welcome development for the country’s economy. The government’s policies to incentivize local manufacturing and exports are paying off, and companies such as Apple are taking advantage of the favorable business environment in the country.


The growth in iPhone exports from India is a clear indication of the progress that the country is making in the electronics manufacturing sector. With the continued support of the government and the private sector, India can become a global leader in electronics manufacturing and exports in the coming rajkotupdates.news:apple-iphone-exports-from-india-doubled-between-april-and-august.


The increase in Apple iPhone exports from India is a positive development for the country’s economy and a testament to the success of the “Make in India” initiative. The growth in iPhone exports is a clear indication that rajkotupdates.news:apple-iphone-exports-from-india-doubled-between-april-and-august is becoming an important production and export hub for electronics. With the continued support of the government and the private sector, India can become a major player in the global electronics market in the years to come.

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